Julie King

Parent Educator, "How To Talk" Traniner and Best-Selling Author

Jennifer Kolari

founder connected parenting™

Topic: How To talk when kids won't listen

about julie:

Julie King is the co-author, with Joanna Faber, of the new book How To Talk When Kids Won’t Listen: Whining, Fighting, Meltdowns, Defiance, & other Challenges of Childhood, as well as the best selling book, How To Talk So LITTLE Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7, which has been translated into 28 languages world-wide. She and Joanna also collaborated on the companion app HOW TO TALK: Parenting Tips in Your Pocket, and the app Parenting Hero.

Julie leads workshops in person and online, consults with parents of children ages two to teens by phone and video, and speaks publicly to schools, businesses and parent groups across the United States and internationally. She received her AB from Princeton University and a JD from Yale Law School. Julie and her husband live in the San Francisco Bay Area, where they are visited now and then by their three grown children.

You can find her on her website: http://julieking.org

Key Points About Our Chat:

Does your child ever fall apart over the littlest thing? Refuse to cooperate with everyday activities like getting dressed or brushing teeth? In this session you’ll learn concrete tools, with examples of the words you can use, to help in these everyday moments. 

Julie will share practical tools and strategies to improve your connection with your child and foster more cooperative behaviour. You’ll learn effective ways to engage your child’s cooperation and handle challenging behaviours with empathy and understanding. We discuss Julie’s best selling book, which offers practical guidance on how to strengthen the parent-child relationship while still setting appropriate boundaries. Overall, her session will provide you with actionable tips to improve your communication with your child and bring calm back to the home!

Free gift: How To Talk When Your Parenting Partner Won't Listen

Details: – Do you sometimes disagree with your parenting partner about how to respond to a parenting challenge? (…like all parenting partners do, at one time or another😁!)

* Do you find yourself trying to explain to your partner why your strategy is better, but not getting anywhere?

*Could you use practical, effective strategies for resolving conflicts with your partner?

Read my article on “How To Talk When Your Parenting Partner Won’t Listen.”

You can find it here: https://julieking.org/free-PP/

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Don’t forget also that we are hosting an empowering parenting program after the conference, called Emotionally Intelligent Parenting Solutions, where you’ll learn all the newest, science-backed strategies to overcome the stress and challenge of parenting. Sibling rivalry, technology/screen time, disrespectful behavior, meltdowns, and much more. Becoming a VIP means you get either $97 or $197 off this course when you enroll!

ALL of this is what you’ll receive once you join us as a VIP! We can’t wait to meet you, and give you all of these goodies! 

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